Feasibility Evaluation
CA’s services include the evaluation of projects prior to acquisition, to determine whether a proposed acquisition will meet the client’s needs in terms of feasibility, scheduling and cost. Drawing on our knowledge of local planning, zoning and building codes, and our extensive experience working with each of these departments, CA is able to accurately assess the degree of difficulty and likelihood of success of any particular project. CA helps its clients understand the timing related to working with obtaining planning approvals and building permits, obtaining variances, rezoning and myriad other issues that may be encountered. In addition, we assess seismic, life safety and accessibility issues, as well as the availability of necessary utilities. Pre-purchase evaluations allow our clients to optimize their decision-making based on in-depth insights into all areas relating to the success of a potential project.
66 Page is a two-story concrete building with a basement, approximately 55 feet by 120 feet in size. It is in good condition overall, but minor repairs are needed. Seismic rehabilitation is not required unless significant changes are made. Adding concrete shear walls, plywood to the roof, and tying the walls to the roof framing is recommended. Further investigation, testing, and a geotechnical report are necessary.
The building is a 1920's two-story garage with a basement, previously used for motorcycle sales and storage. The HVAC systems are minimal, without air conditioning. Upgrades are needed for mechanical systems and the building envelope to meet school occupancy requirements. Plumbing services are basic, and the sewer line requires replacement. The basement is sprinklered, and services like compressed air need updating for future use as a school.
The building's electrical service equipment is outdated and should be replaced. Power distribution needs upgrading, as the existing panels are not suitable for commercial use. Lighting systems require upgrading to meet code requirements, including emergency lighting and a lighting control panel. There is an existing telephone system but no fire alarm or detection system in place.
Discussions also indicate that there is a preference to retain the look and feel of the original façade when possible. Issues of sustainability and energy conservation will need to be addressed specifically within the Planning Department. Advocates for these aspects of the project should be made aware of our efforts with respect to these issues of sustainable design and can be very helpful in terms of their support.